Ghadir Elsamad
In 2015, I received my undergraduate degree (BSc) in Biological Sciences at the University of Balamand. Afterwards, I got enrolled in a Master’s program (with merit) at the University of Balamand too. It was quite a novel and aspiring program, after which I received the Faculty of Sciences Professor’s award 2017-2018.
My master research was to study atherosclerosis and the molecular pathways that balance the homeostatic mechanism of fibrinolysis and coagulation. The aim of our study was to identify the effect of MoxLDL treatment of HAEC and BAE cells on the mechanism of pericellular fibrinolysis and to determine specific gene regulation in the process.
Due to my ongoing interest in biology and health sciences, I worked as a research volunteer at the Dr. Abou Kheir and Dr. Lawand’s neurophysiology lab at the American University of Beirut. I studied the role of glycine in kaolin/carrageenan-induced arthritis rat model and its effect on pain perception.
Recently, I joined the Murphy group to work on deciphering the physiological roles of the Rasd1 interactome in the central control of hydromineral homeostasis throughout the life-course.
Hang in there.